Monday, November 14, 2011

Angels Among Us

It's a relentless battle. Casualties are happening to those who get caught up in the hype an excitement that print and electronic media work so hard to create. Women are under attack. Why, because they are like angels among us. Women (and men) are outnumbered - just look at any check out aisle with all the fashion and artificial celebrity images. Magazines and papers all show photo-shopped pictures of women and embellished lifestyles. 

Why else are women outnumbered? Because a lot of women are too competitive to unite and stop the fashionista insanity and the diet/weight control pressure cookers. It's clear that women make more personal choices with other women in mind then they do for men (competition thing). And we also know that since the dawn of time, every successful weight loss program comes back to the same things: eat less calories and exercise some, or eat more and exercise more. If you are not going to do these things, keep moving forward and stop beating yourself up.

It's possible that the attack on women begins by looking at most fashion designers and media moguls, do they look like they like women? If they did, why do they make them so often look like fools? 

It's been said, "A woman looks thinnest or fattest based on the tightness or absence of her clothes. While there are other factors, this easily shows her size. If clothes are medium tight it's harder to tell. If they are loose, well that's even harder to see.And quite frankly, Thin may be in but fat is where it's at.(There is some quote about a cake and eating...)

Then some dolt comes up with ridiculous lines like:

Ladies, if you want to look thinner don't wear horizontal stripes? How MUCH thinner? None. 

How about this, wear black pants if you want to hide your butt, white pants to make it look bigger. How much bigger? None! C'mon really? And it just keeps going on and on...

The world needs your energy, focus, sanity and support on the amazing things you will do - not this over-hyped, out of balance, never win illusion! 

This media warfare even trickles down to teenagers having surgery to modify their looks before they stop growing? STOP IT! Worrying about being fat when they aren't even mature! A beautiful young woman I met has scars on her face from picking zits that aren't there. She stands 2 inches from the mirror and self-destructs, sometimes wanting to look like other girls who she thinks are prettier and sometimes because she is trying to compete with media myths.  

It's sad. Drop that burden on the roadside and empty your backpacks of the masterful lies and tricks used to deceive you. Walk taller, lighter and go forward with a lot less pain. 

Women often care more about what other women think then men. But, Women aren't stopping to mock those who are mocking them. Laugh at the print ads and mock the commercials! 

The Little Prince said it best when he said, "What is essential is invisible to the eye." We seek to defy gravity when young as we learn to walk and run, but eventually the all patient gravity pulls us back to the dust, one piece at a time. Some call it moving man's disease, "where your chest moves into your drawers".

The cure is to do, live and be different than the false images you are being persuaded to be. Will you stop looking (giving credit to fools) and Live true to what you feel. Tell those who put you down on the outside they are wasting their time because you are AMAZING! 

Women are blessed at birth with amazing feelings and instincts. In fact, Women are a lot like angels. Women often innately take upon themselves the mistakes and sins of others. That is saintly. Women's real power: Women can inspire men, children and sometimes other women to do things well beyond their natural abilities. 


Thank Heaven for the women in my life who are honest, strong, courageous and true. If I don't love or like myself, I cannot love someone else. And in addition for many women, they can't let someone else love them either. Hearing a kind word or receiving a loving deed when a women has no self esteem or self confidence somehow in her mind becomes a dagger showing her how weak and useless she is. It's a relationship breaker. Self worth is fixed and is not negotiable - we are children of a God. It's our self esteem and self confidence we have to earn through honest, better choices.

As hard as it is, our greatest competition is against our "self". How will we improve upon the person we were yesterday.

Ladies and girls who haven't decided to see how amazing you are yet, please choose to stand for something helpful and good, so that you don't fall for anything. There is a lot of "anything" out there right now. More than ever in history! In the global attack on your esteem and confidence, please be careful not to open your mind wide enough so that anything can fit inside. 

While writing this blog some dolt making refuse is selling his nonsense while referencing a thesaurus. This is the junk propaganda we are daily infested with. 

The world needs you to be your inner best because in the foray of "insane" people out there, we all still need the miracle and sanity that an inspired and inspiring woman is in our lives...  

To women everywhere, You are truly and have the potential to be the greatest force in the world. Please develop your gifts and use them wisely. You are an angel.

Bryan Packham

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