There are:
Those who don't know what they don't know
Those who don't know what they know
Those who know what they don't know
Those who know what they know
bryan packham, goal, improve, inspire, insight, value, packham, fun, image, pic, funny, humor, self, self development, self improvement, family, teach, public speaker, choice, choose, wisdom, quotes, quotable, food, soul, God, spiritual, religion, LDS, mormon, kids, children, last days, troubled times, power, personal power, hope, light, inspiration, sacrifice, atonement, believe, live, life, living, serve, service, teacher, uplift, build, quality, virtue, faith, solutions, commitment, do, doer
Friday, December 09, 2011
Thursday, December 08, 2011
What is essential is invisible to the eye...
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote a book called the Little Prince. In it he states, "What is essential is invisible to the eye."
I believe that who we are is more important that what we have. And how we choose to define success is a choice entirely ours alone... but that doesn't mean we will be happy with it or that it will be satisfying. Living happily and satisfied is fundamentally set, timeless and universal in nature. These positive feelings do not recognize culture, color or creed.
These universal set of requirements begins with relationships starting with God and then it reaches out to include our relationship with all of His children.
Our "heart" guides and is shaped with our work, giving and service, diligent helpful/wise daily decisions, education, learning and improving, and having fun.
If feelings are the basis of so many choices we make, why don't we study them and understand them better?
Antoine figured out one answer to that question - our eyes and other senses get in the way of realizing what is essential.
And then there is the factor of all the other things we can't see...
One ship drives East,
and another drives West,
With the self-same winds that blow;
Tis the set of the sails, and not the gales,
Which tells us the way to go.
Like the winds of the sea are the ways of fate,
As we voyage along through life;
Tis the set of the soul that decides its goal,
And not the calm or the strife.
-Ella Wheeler-Wilcox
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Me Exercise - Oh Yes.
Driving through my neighborhood today there were dozens of people walking, riding, skating, playing football. But, there was one group of three in particular who caught my eye. Smoke was billowing behind them as if the friction from their shoes was about to set their soles on fire. But as I passed by, it was their cigarettes burning madly while they huffed and puffed instead. Then the epiphany struck...
Even though I don't smoke, this is a very applicable metaphor for my life: Smokers who exercise.
Regardless of whatever unhealthy and unhelpful choice I make, whether it is a momentary preference, a habit or a lifetime addiction, the overriding choice of improving myself will conquer - shadows always flee the light. The bottom line fact is that Truth stands on it's own, whether I live it or not. There is no fate. We all can chose to improve. Sometimes we need help from others to do it.
I see nearly everyone in some way or another fitting into this new metaphor... we all have some unhealthy and unhelpful habits... and we all have lives to build that are worth living.
link to the image:
Bryan Packham
Bryan Packham
Pilgrims lead us to the Savior
A Pilgrim is "a traveler is on a journey to a holy place."
"The concept of a pilgrim/pilgrimage may refer to life in the world or the inner path of the spiritual aspirant from a state of wretchedness to a state of beatitude."
"Beatitude comes from the Latin beatus which means happy, fortunate or blissful. The beatitudes are a set of teachings by Jesus. "
I was reflecting on the Pilgrims this morning and this is what Wikipedia had to say about it. What a cool transition showing a good example that all things point back to the Savior.
I am thankful for Him, His Atonement, His Perfect Love, Tenderness, Mercy, Grace, Justice, Patience... That He is the Master Teacher and foundation of all that is good in life.
Happy Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
What's One Drop of Rain Going to Do?
It all started with one drop. Who cares, right?
He probably does.
It's a different story when the drops decide to work together...
Like this friend of mine in Thailand, that I shot at work during the monsoon season, the strength of "one" doesn't compare to the strength of many working as one.
Some days didn't stop at knee deep water. Sometimes in these storms the water would rise to our bumpers. Driving our cars would produce a wake behind us like a boat. When we passed another car going the opposite way, our wakes would create a wall of water that would rise up and over the hoods of our cars.
Being part of a family that stretches backwards forever, my strengths and weaknesses are inherited - and refined and defined by me - to carry the tradition of passing them along to my future generations.
One improved value choice, one kind deed, "one" selfless act may not seem a big deal, but if we all look for a way to help someone else's life be a little better because we were there, and s/he pays it forward... well that could really be something worth opening an umbrella about.
It starts with "one" and others will follow.
Be the one...
over and over again!
Bryan Packham
Friday, November 18, 2011
Old Glory
While working and traveling in South Africa, Asia and Europe every time
I saw the American Flag I felt deep gratitude. How many souls in our history have looked up and seen it and found inspiration? I thank God and all the soldiers
and their families as well as the patriots seeking, fighting for, dying for
and living for freedom in America and around the world!
I saw the American Flag I felt deep gratitude. How many souls in our history have looked up and seen it and found inspiration? I thank God and all the soldiers
and their families as well as the patriots seeking, fighting for, dying for
and living for freedom in America and around the world!
What a great symbol of freedom and dignity
God has blessed the USA!
God has blessed the USA!
The Most Miraculous Communication Known to Mankind
Do you know what "it" is?
In just a few seconds every human being processes more data through his/her individual learning centers (all senses and feelings) then can be depicted in thousands of written words. Describing the millions of colors including the various shades of light, the depth and distance of the objects around me and their ever changing shadows, the subtle wind on my face, how tight my shoes are, the hum of the machines that I tuned out, my heart beating, my brain constantly checking and adjusting all body functions, the itch in my ear, I'm going to have to pee soon, my skin is dry, I'm feeling curious or is it adventurous, my breath is warm and consistent. Hundreds of layers of sounds fall in and out of the range of my hearing. I don't know why, but I think I need to call John, I'm hungry, I laugh with your laugh and don't know why, I feel a chill and the goosebumps confirm it as they rise on my skin, the night sky inspires me, the adrenaline taste is still in my mouth, I needed to say that, I hear you, I feel what you are saying is true, thank you and peace distills on my soul, until the phone rings and jolts me away...
Your and my incredible soul processes more information every moment than we can consciously realize. Self awareness is too often dulled due to haste, waste and an increase in distractions. With that dulling comes a smothering of our innate and childlike sense of wonder and awe. This is a vital gift and quality that makes our lives awesome!
When was the last time you tasted your food? I mean really intentionally paid attention to the flavors and textures of what you ate with each reasonably sized bite, instead of bite swallow, bite swallow... Did you look intently and absolutely into his eyes while you spoke? Did you watch his face and mouth to see how he felt? Or read his posture and gestures just for fun? Squat down and look at the world from a small child's perspective as you go about your day. Drive home a new way and see what you think and feel. When was the last time you took your shoes off and walked in the grass, then sat down, looked at the grass closely and just stopped to watch it grow? Or walked on the beach or stopped to stand still in the shallow waves as they slowly buried the tops of your feet with each massaging pass? Did you see the sky today - day or night? But did you really see it? The birds playing, the jet stream dissolving, the light reflecting off the clock? Where did the clouds move, or did you see the branches sway as the light danced with the leaves to music of the wind?
We are born to learn. Our bodies and souls are recognizably divine and capable of eventual feats and miracles beyond our wildest dreams. If you don't believe me, test living a life of attention and thoroughness of work (pay attention to the details and finish with style) for 30 days every day, all day as often as you can.
We cannot appreciate what we do not recognize. God said, In no way can you offend me more than to not recognize my hand in all things*. What is right in front of you that you are missing?
Our Life's compass is how we feel. I'm referring to feelings deeper than an emotional purchase. It's choosing to act with courage and without regret or remorse. It includes confidence from the inside of our self that is enviable, desirable, wanted from the depths of our toes to the top of our souls. It's doing knowing that "I am in alignment with the universe and it's plan for me right now". It's the second greatest feeling during and after the perfect golf shot, the right words that came out and surprised not only you, but me, it's being in "the zone" so thoroughly that when it stops it's like a bubble popped and I stepped out of a dream like state back into a more bland reality.
We are born to do GREAT things! The simplicity of discovering the solutions and making many decisions (not the difficulty of actually doing them) often comes back to how we feel. I hear, "In data we trust". And signs and wonders are nice. They have a place, but in the long run may end up proving nothing. Instead we see only one facet of a multifaceted gem.
Our heart is our guide to living. In business it's called "instinct", others call it my "sixth sense", mom's may say it's "radar", "a still small voice", "our link to the Holy Ghost", the scriptures, "the Light of Christ", in Pinocchio it's personified as "Jiminy Cricket" - his frequent companion and "conscience".
We may study and work for years to invoke, provoke and seek a change in our relations or behavior. Haltingly and almost randomly we may feel a sense of progress and hopelessness - sometimes at the same time. Then something unexpected is heard/felt and our burdens get lifted and our hearts change and we can begin to do what was previously difficult, if not seemingly impossible to do before. We feel something when God's Spirit touches our spirit that is non-duplicable, assuredly impossible to imitate.
I believe in these God given moments we have a chance to instantly improve because we are reminded of who we are and where we come from. You are Divine. We are children of God.
So often media seems designed to want to numb us and replace natural feelings with pre-recorded and virtual realities. One epitome being the looped fake fireplace showing on our tv.
Being a thrill seeker most of my life, I lived on fewer emotions and more of seeking the next challenge and thrill. I now identify a full range of emotions - including a growing feeling of kindness and a genuine appreciation, love and respect for others and the life around me, puts living my life into perspective - that media can't teach or replace. I can still take the shot, but in these moments when I'm in tune and in sync, I'm living. Really living. And I like it.
Let's choose to begin being more in tune today, right here, right now.... the carpet is soft and warm under my sore feet - maybe even invigorating. The hard and noisy keys under my fingers will soon grow cool again in my absence.
Bryan Packham
(want to feel something good, click here:
In just a few seconds every human being processes more data through his/her individual learning centers (all senses and feelings) then can be depicted in thousands of written words. Describing the millions of colors including the various shades of light, the depth and distance of the objects around me and their ever changing shadows, the subtle wind on my face, how tight my shoes are, the hum of the machines that I tuned out, my heart beating, my brain constantly checking and adjusting all body functions, the itch in my ear, I'm going to have to pee soon, my skin is dry, I'm feeling curious or is it adventurous, my breath is warm and consistent. Hundreds of layers of sounds fall in and out of the range of my hearing. I don't know why, but I think I need to call John, I'm hungry, I laugh with your laugh and don't know why, I feel a chill and the goosebumps confirm it as they rise on my skin, the night sky inspires me, the adrenaline taste is still in my mouth, I needed to say that, I hear you, I feel what you are saying is true, thank you and peace distills on my soul, until the phone rings and jolts me away...
Your and my incredible soul processes more information every moment than we can consciously realize. Self awareness is too often dulled due to haste, waste and an increase in distractions. With that dulling comes a smothering of our innate and childlike sense of wonder and awe. This is a vital gift and quality that makes our lives awesome!
When was the last time you tasted your food? I mean really intentionally paid attention to the flavors and textures of what you ate with each reasonably sized bite, instead of bite swallow, bite swallow... Did you look intently and absolutely into his eyes while you spoke? Did you watch his face and mouth to see how he felt? Or read his posture and gestures just for fun? Squat down and look at the world from a small child's perspective as you go about your day. Drive home a new way and see what you think and feel. When was the last time you took your shoes off and walked in the grass, then sat down, looked at the grass closely and just stopped to watch it grow? Or walked on the beach or stopped to stand still in the shallow waves as they slowly buried the tops of your feet with each massaging pass? Did you see the sky today - day or night? But did you really see it? The birds playing, the jet stream dissolving, the light reflecting off the clock? Where did the clouds move, or did you see the branches sway as the light danced with the leaves to music of the wind?
We are born to learn. Our bodies and souls are recognizably divine and capable of eventual feats and miracles beyond our wildest dreams. If you don't believe me, test living a life of attention and thoroughness of work (pay attention to the details and finish with style) for 30 days every day, all day as often as you can.
We cannot appreciate what we do not recognize. God said, In no way can you offend me more than to not recognize my hand in all things*. What is right in front of you that you are missing?
Our Life's compass is how we feel. I'm referring to feelings deeper than an emotional purchase. It's choosing to act with courage and without regret or remorse. It includes confidence from the inside of our self that is enviable, desirable, wanted from the depths of our toes to the top of our souls. It's doing knowing that "I am in alignment with the universe and it's plan for me right now". It's the second greatest feeling during and after the perfect golf shot, the right words that came out and surprised not only you, but me, it's being in "the zone" so thoroughly that when it stops it's like a bubble popped and I stepped out of a dream like state back into a more bland reality.
We are born to do GREAT things! The simplicity of discovering the solutions and making many decisions (not the difficulty of actually doing them) often comes back to how we feel. I hear, "In data we trust". And signs and wonders are nice. They have a place, but in the long run may end up proving nothing. Instead we see only one facet of a multifaceted gem.
Our heart is our guide to living. In business it's called "instinct", others call it my "sixth sense", mom's may say it's "radar", "a still small voice", "our link to the Holy Ghost", the scriptures, "the Light of Christ", in Pinocchio it's personified as "Jiminy Cricket" - his frequent companion and "conscience".
We may study and work for years to invoke, provoke and seek a change in our relations or behavior. Haltingly and almost randomly we may feel a sense of progress and hopelessness - sometimes at the same time. Then something unexpected is heard/felt and our burdens get lifted and our hearts change and we can begin to do what was previously difficult, if not seemingly impossible to do before. We feel something when God's Spirit touches our spirit that is non-duplicable, assuredly impossible to imitate.
I believe in these God given moments we have a chance to instantly improve because we are reminded of who we are and where we come from. You are Divine. We are children of God.
So often media seems designed to want to numb us and replace natural feelings with pre-recorded and virtual realities. One epitome being the looped fake fireplace showing on our tv.
Being a thrill seeker most of my life, I lived on fewer emotions and more of seeking the next challenge and thrill. I now identify a full range of emotions - including a growing feeling of kindness and a genuine appreciation, love and respect for others and the life around me, puts living my life into perspective - that media can't teach or replace. I can still take the shot, but in these moments when I'm in tune and in sync, I'm living. Really living. And I like it.
Let's choose to begin being more in tune today, right here, right now.... the carpet is soft and warm under my sore feet - maybe even invigorating. The hard and noisy keys under my fingers will soon grow cool again in my absence.
Bryan Packham
(want to feel something good, click here:
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
The Universal First Law of Success
The laws of success (happiness) are universal.
The man named Honest Abe declared the First Law:
When I DO good,
I FEEL good.
When I do bad,
I feel bad.
We all know someone who is remarkably wealthy. Let's be careful to not confuse envy with admiration. Success isn't defined by what we have, it's defined by how we feel.
Really think about what is being proposed here. I am declaring that by applying these two sentences correctly, any person can learn to experience life's greatest success: living at peace and happily each day intentionally and with affirmation.
With this quote, Abraham Lincoln describes honesty in it's purest, truest form. We live in a world filled with emotional constipation, far too frequent "small" deceptions and way too many anti-heroes while sirens repeat their well practiced song, Day is called night and night is called day. An example you ask? I asked two young men, which is worse, stealing $5 or $100. The first replied, "$100". The other said, "EHH! Wrong. They are the same."
What would the world would be like if our families and businesses were honest enough to feel good and bad based on what they did that was helpful or hurtful! How would our lives improve if we reached this level of achievement and success before we die?
I invite you to take a moment and ponder what this simple declaration implies.... We have a universal "happiness compass" built into our nature and souls. Sure that sounds a little corny, but it's still true.
Living more like "Honest Abe" teaches here means some drinks won't be as sweet, some shows won't be as funny or may never be seen, some books will never be finished, some websites will go unvisited and more people will definitely know how we feel. And maybe, if we work at it long enough, someone might even be inspired to be a little better, a little more selfless because we first chose to learn how to be more self-honest and open, so that we both could win.
Side Note: Helen Keller lived with a lot of feeling:
Side Note 2: Sometimes to understand something we need to see it's opposite (quote from an unknown movie), "She is so dishonest, so tangled in her web of lies that if she is thirsty, she cannot ask for a glass water."
Bryan Packham
Daily Prep. (humor)
By being born, we all are unconditionally committed to ride the roller-coaster called life. It is inherently and innately one amazing and memorable ride.

The difference in how the daily ride goes is that some people have learned the self-discipline and good judgment to sit inside the ride with a belt on and a safety bar
pulled over their knees while it accelerates and takes the corners on rails...
pulled over their knees while it accelerates and takes the corners on rails...
Other days some of us are still working on that...
Ready or not, the ride is going to happen -
whether we are safely inside the car or some place else.
It's Easier to Go Up
I love great music and high fidelity sound... When I was young I worked and bought some very nice speakers for the stereo in my room. This purchase offered a clear example of beginning to understand what "going up" meant - unfortunately after several months I played them too loud and learned what it meant to "go back down".
It's possible that I appreciated the lost clarity and quality a lot more once down, maybe even more then the initial improvement.
Bryan Packham
It's possible that I appreciated the lost clarity and quality a lot more once down, maybe even more then the initial improvement.
Bryan Packham
Making Sense of Life
In an effort to improve, here are a few definitions (Packhamism's) I wrote:
Agency: your freedom ends where mine begins
Age: has little to do with numbers and is more about the quality of our life
Breaking the habits of my past: We will say and do the things that we have seen and heard others do, even if it goes contrary to what we believe in, until we make a Conscious Value Choice.
Breaking the habits of my past: We will say and do the things that we have seen and heard others do, even if it goes contrary to what we believe in, until we make a Conscious Value Choice.
Conscious Value Choice: The roots of decision making in each person's life. When I can describe what I believe in and the core values I base my decisions on a natural dissonance will occur between the self I am and the self I want to be.
Failure: when someone gives up on something that really matters to them and [dies]. In other words, we haven't failed until we can no longer act on what is important to us
1st Rule of Business: If a customer wants to give you money, let them and make it as easy as possible for him to do so
2nd Rule of Business: If you want a customer to contact you, make it as easy as possible to do so. (if they can't contact you easily, forget rule #1.)
Nothing is Free: everything has a price, it's just a matter of when and who will pay
Sacrifice: this is usually not possible because God rewards us with more than we give, so it's more of a trade-up (good investment) than a loss
Success: is not defined by what we have, it's defined by how we feel after we make a choice.
Bryan Packham
When Lightning Strikes Your Child, Who Do You Want to Help?
On the afternoon of Wednesday, September 30, 1998, a Little League football team in Inkom, Idaho, was out on the field for its midweek practice. They had completed their warm-ups and were starting to run a few plays from scrimmage. Dark clouds were gathering, as they sometimes do in the fall, and it began to rain lightly, but that was of no concern to a group of boys who loved playing football.
Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, an absolutely deafening crack of thunder split the air, inseparable from the flash of lightning that illuminated, literally electrified, the entire scene.
(this is not A. J. it is someone else)

David Johnson, rushed to the player’s side. He shouted to coach Rex Shaffer, “I can’t get a pulse. He’s in cardiac arrest.” These two men, rather miraculously both trained emergency medical technicians, started a life-against-death effort in CPR. Cradling A. J.’s head as the men worked was the young defensive coach of the team, 18-year-old Bryce Reynolds. As Bryce Reynolds offered a prayer and blessing, A. J. Edwards drew his first renewed breath.
The ongoing prayers, miracles, and additional priesthood blessings of that entire experience—including a high-speed ambulance drive to Pocatello and a near-hopeless LifeFlight to the burn center preserved his life. It is sufficient to say that a very healthy and very robust A. J. Edwards is in the audience tonight with his father as my special guests."
Today I am looking at this miraculous event re-told by Jeff Holland from a different perspective. This story illuminates me. I'm seeking all the additional light I can find while walking through the many shadows encountered while raising children.
These days our lives are littered with seemingly limitless, and often confusing choices created by masterful and perfected sciences of manipulation and marketing. Even as lightning is an excellent metaphor for false light when compared to the sun, it is clearly exciting and fun to witness.... until it strikes close to someone you love. Just ask A.J., his friends or his parents and siblings.
I have studied, researched and witnessed the billions of dollars, hundreds of thousands of hours spent by intentional packs of men and women who are perfecting the language and ability to better manipulate and influence the human psyche - into choosing what they want sold (services, products and philosophies). These flashy, well pitched, well timed and expertly written options are carefully presented to us as caramel covered onions (not apples). Do you really believe these packs of individuals have our best interest in mind?
What do I mean by manipulate and influence? One example is, during a 21 minute TV show, in between 9 minutes of skipped or seen commercials, each "show" may have 10,000 or more purposely placed products that are highly researched, carefully tested and chosen by experts. Each item pays for its place in the show and is therefore strategically set at critical key points in dialogue, views and angles. Experts fill the hollow sets where the actors perform to sometimes empty audiences that are later filled in with well scripted recordings of laughter, oohs and aahhs. These product placements are often integrated seamlessly to appear harmless and normal and cool. They are endorsed by a celebrity, often at the price of failing to tell a real story or delivering memorable entertainment in exchange for our 21 minutes of time.
When we were children there was a distant sound that used to stir our parents while we slept at night. It is now moving boldly into the light of day. As parents we must wake up and teach our children and those we care about to hear the sound of these wolf packs who howled around us when we were young and naive. Could they really be stalking our children in almost every view of every waking moment?
While I like nice things as much as the next guy and I don't work for free. Take a moment and answer, Where isn't advertising? Then look around and see the lighting strikes - the logos and emblems, music, tv, printed pages, boxes, bags, images on your computer and your phone? Each purveyor of product or philosophy has an intention of using our familiarity and sometimes numbness to their tactics, as well as our children's naivete' and vulnerability to satisfy their own self seeking wants, often at great price.
Like the story above, how quickly are many to flee to safety when lightning strikes your child? How few are prepared and also have the courage to stand against the raging storms and potential threats to help rescue him? Are you prepared? I am definitely a work in progress.
Maybe you can relate to seeing and feeling the gale winds blowing stronger against our kids futures? I see it as a challenge. As we prepare ourselves as parents, neighbors and friends who value those closest to us, we will appeal to the Light in others. The innate strength within them to get back up and keep moving forward.
As parents, family members and friends we are called to rescue the innocent, the needy, the deceived, the downtrodden and those looking for peace amidst the roar of thousands of choices who don't know where to find hope and comfort, safety and peace. We are fighting an often unseen, but clearly felt enemy.
We are never alone and can rely on the Savior, Jesus Christ. Each day that we remember prayer and scripture study we are made stronger. Our senses are sharpened, armor thickened, so that we might not fall or be fooled by the subtle craftiness of men who lie in wait to deceive.
Even as three prepared men collectively rushed to save a boy's life, they also worked to keep a family intact and enabled A.J. to live a lifetime paying his debt forward to others as he feels is best. Inspiring leaders, friends, teachers and neighbors are available to help us bless our family and friends lives - if we seek them, we will find those who can help. Working together we will be that much stronger against those who would use our family and friends for their own selfish reasons. (link story of prince)
Let's help them be prepared when someone they know will be in trouble - who will need their hands, prayers and blessings to survive.
Side Note: Read Pres Monson's uncondensed talk:
Bryan Packham
common good,
lightning strike,
work together
Monday, November 14, 2011
Angels Among Us
It's a relentless battle. Casualties are happening to those who get caught up in the hype an excitement that print and electronic media work so hard to create. Women are under attack. Why, because they are like angels among us. Women (and men) are outnumbered - just look at any check out aisle with all the fashion and artificial celebrity images. Magazines and papers all show photo-shopped pictures of women and embellished lifestyles.
Why else are women outnumbered? Because a lot of women are too competitive to unite and stop the fashionista insanity and the diet/weight control pressure cookers. It's clear that women make more personal choices with other women in mind then they do for men (competition thing). And we also know that since the dawn of time, every successful weight loss program comes back to the same things: eat less calories and exercise some, or eat more and exercise more. If you are not going to do these things, keep moving forward and stop beating yourself up.
It's possible that the attack on women begins by looking at most fashion designers and media moguls, do they look like they like women? If they did, why do they make them so often look like fools?
It's been said, "A woman looks thinnest or fattest based on the tightness or absence of her clothes. While there are other factors, this easily shows her size. If clothes are medium tight it's harder to tell. If they are loose, well that's even harder to see.And quite frankly, Thin may be in but fat is where it's at.(There is some quote about a cake and eating...)
Ladies, if you want to look thinner don't wear horizontal stripes? How MUCH thinner? None.
How about this, wear black pants if you want to hide your butt, white pants to make it look bigger. How much bigger? None! C'mon really? And it just keeps going on and on...
The world needs your energy, focus, sanity and support on the amazing things you will do - not this over-hyped, out of balance, never win illusion!
This media warfare even trickles down to teenagers having surgery to modify their looks before they stop growing? STOP IT! Worrying about being fat when they aren't even mature! A beautiful young woman I met has scars on her face from picking zits that aren't there. She stands 2 inches from the mirror and self-destructs, sometimes wanting to look like other girls who she thinks are prettier and sometimes because she is trying to compete with media myths.
It's sad. Drop that burden on the roadside and empty your backpacks of the masterful lies and tricks used to deceive you. Walk taller, lighter and go forward with a lot less pain.
Women often care more about what other women think then men. But, Women aren't stopping to mock those who are mocking them. Laugh at the print ads and mock the commercials!
The Little Prince said it best when he said, "What is essential is invisible to the eye." We seek to defy gravity when young as we learn to walk and run, but eventually the all patient gravity pulls us back to the dust, one piece at a time. Some call it moving man's disease, "where your chest moves into your drawers".
The cure is to do, live and be different than the false images you are being persuaded to be. Will you stop looking (giving credit to fools) and Live true to what you feel. Tell those who put you down on the outside they are wasting their time because you are AMAZING!
Women are blessed at birth with amazing feelings and instincts. In fact, Women are a lot like angels. Women often innately take upon themselves the mistakes and sins of others. That is saintly. Women's real power: Women can inspire men, children and sometimes other women to do things well beyond their natural abilities.
Thank Heaven for the women in my life who are honest, strong, courageous and true. If I don't love or like myself, I cannot love someone else. And in addition for many women, they can't let someone else love them either. Hearing a kind word or receiving a loving deed when a women has no self esteem or self confidence somehow in her mind becomes a dagger showing her how weak and useless she is. It's a relationship breaker. Self worth is fixed and is not negotiable - we are children of a God. It's our self esteem and self confidence we have to earn through honest, better choices.
As hard as it is, our greatest competition is against our "self". How will we improve upon the person we were yesterday.
Ladies and girls who haven't decided to see how amazing you are yet, please choose to stand for something helpful and good, so that you don't fall for anything. There is a lot of "anything" out there right now. More than ever in history! In the global attack on your esteem and confidence, please be careful not to open your mind wide enough so that anything can fit inside.
While writing this blog some dolt making refuse is selling his nonsense while referencing a thesaurus. This is the junk propaganda we are daily infested with.
The world needs you to be your inner best because in the foray of "insane" people out there, we all still need the miracle and sanity that an inspired and inspiring woman is in our lives...
To women everywhere, You are truly and have the potential to be the greatest force in the world. Please develop your gifts and use them wisely. You are an angel.
Bryan Packham
Why else are women outnumbered? Because a lot of women are too competitive to unite and stop the fashionista insanity and the diet/weight control pressure cookers. It's clear that women make more personal choices with other women in mind then they do for men (competition thing). And we also know that since the dawn of time, every successful weight loss program comes back to the same things: eat less calories and exercise some, or eat more and exercise more. If you are not going to do these things, keep moving forward and stop beating yourself up.
It's possible that the attack on women begins by looking at most fashion designers and media moguls, do they look like they like women? If they did, why do they make them so often look like fools?
It's been said, "A woman looks thinnest or fattest based on the tightness or absence of her clothes. While there are other factors, this easily shows her size. If clothes are medium tight it's harder to tell. If they are loose, well that's even harder to see.And quite frankly, Thin may be in but fat is where it's at.(There is some quote about a cake and eating...)
Then some dolt comes up with ridiculous lines like:
How about this, wear black pants if you want to hide your butt, white pants to make it look bigger. How much bigger? None! C'mon really? And it just keeps going on and on...
The world needs your energy, focus, sanity and support on the amazing things you will do - not this over-hyped, out of balance, never win illusion!
This media warfare even trickles down to teenagers having surgery to modify their looks before they stop growing? STOP IT! Worrying about being fat when they aren't even mature! A beautiful young woman I met has scars on her face from picking zits that aren't there. She stands 2 inches from the mirror and self-destructs, sometimes wanting to look like other girls who she thinks are prettier and sometimes because she is trying to compete with media myths.
It's sad. Drop that burden on the roadside and empty your backpacks of the masterful lies and tricks used to deceive you. Walk taller, lighter and go forward with a lot less pain.
Women often care more about what other women think then men. But, Women aren't stopping to mock those who are mocking them. Laugh at the print ads and mock the commercials!
The Little Prince said it best when he said, "What is essential is invisible to the eye." We seek to defy gravity when young as we learn to walk and run, but eventually the all patient gravity pulls us back to the dust, one piece at a time. Some call it moving man's disease, "where your chest moves into your drawers".
The cure is to do, live and be different than the false images you are being persuaded to be. Will you stop looking (giving credit to fools) and Live true to what you feel. Tell those who put you down on the outside they are wasting their time because you are AMAZING!
Women are blessed at birth with amazing feelings and instincts. In fact, Women are a lot like angels. Women often innately take upon themselves the mistakes and sins of others. That is saintly. Women's real power: Women can inspire men, children and sometimes other women to do things well beyond their natural abilities.
Thank Heaven for the women in my life who are honest, strong, courageous and true. If I don't love or like myself, I cannot love someone else. And in addition for many women, they can't let someone else love them either. Hearing a kind word or receiving a loving deed when a women has no self esteem or self confidence somehow in her mind becomes a dagger showing her how weak and useless she is. It's a relationship breaker. Self worth is fixed and is not negotiable - we are children of a God. It's our self esteem and self confidence we have to earn through honest, better choices.
As hard as it is, our greatest competition is against our "self". How will we improve upon the person we were yesterday.
While writing this blog some dolt making refuse is selling his nonsense while referencing a thesaurus. This is the junk propaganda we are daily infested with.
The world needs you to be your inner best because in the foray of "insane" people out there, we all still need the miracle and sanity that an inspired and inspiring woman is in our lives...
To women everywhere, You are truly and have the potential to be the greatest force in the world. Please develop your gifts and use them wisely. You are an angel.
Bryan Packham
Thursday, November 10, 2011
The Ultimate Power
It's a simple concept. IMPROVE.
Everywhere we go - let's return "it" to the same or better quality than it was before we got there.
"My son and I were in the parking lot and a lady was gathering shopping carts. He and I set a goal to get 3 carts and bring them to her before the other did. It was fun and everyone was better for it."
What else can be Improved? Maybe picking up what others left, finishing that unfinished thing or accepting a more self-honest answer, eating a better meal, drinking a bottle of water instead. Intentionally improving a friend's disposition. Read instead of watch, listen instead of speak on purpose, say I love you or better yet, show it in a way that's important to the recipient. Go bigger and pray. Meet an unmet need that produces a positive personal or even global impact or maybe improve something as simple as a door opened for someone that we will never see again...
Everywhere we go - let's return "it" to the same or better quality than it was before we got there.
"My son and I were in the parking lot and a lady was gathering shopping carts. He and I set a goal to get 3 carts and bring them to her before the other did. It was fun and everyone was better for it."
What else can be Improved? Maybe picking up what others left, finishing that unfinished thing or accepting a more self-honest answer, eating a better meal, drinking a bottle of water instead. Intentionally improving a friend's disposition. Read instead of watch, listen instead of speak on purpose, say I love you or better yet, show it in a way that's important to the recipient. Go bigger and pray. Meet an unmet need that produces a positive personal or even global impact or maybe improve something as simple as a door opened for someone that we will never see again...
Make a difference.
A small or big one just the same.
Make where you are better
Just because YOU came.
I believe that...
Change is a vehicle that drives comfortably on both sides of the road.
Change is a vehicle that drives comfortably on both sides of the road.
Improvement is more of a one way street.
Three Steps to Building Self Confidence!
3 easy steps to remember:
1. Learn about something new that is interesting/challenging to you.
2. Prepare and Do it.
3. LOOK AT THE RESULTS! Feel, Be Grateful, Get Excited, Celebrate - YOU DID IT!
(optional) Do it again.... and remember,
"If I can do it once, I can do it again probably better and faster the second time."
Thursday, November 03, 2011
How Do We Both Win?
It's often difficult to explain how reading something good, hearing something uplifting, seeing someone who lives with strength and peace can inspire and motivate and provide energy that wasn't there before... unless it was already in us "sleeping".
Service Is Only Service If We Both Win
I have to come to believe that life is just not fair. I know, great discovery right? I don't mean that we don't all have an equal chance to live happily. Viktor Frankl, Helen Keller, Job all messed that up for me. Blame hasn't worked and heaven knows if I actually stopped to really pay attention to what I have instead of what I haven't, my heart would probably burst with gratitude.
Sharing time, talents, energy, resources, thoughts and prayers with someone else is supposed to make me happy, isn't it? (not a trick question - It is.) Yet sometimes it doesn't make me happy at all. In fact, looking back I may even feel regret while thoughts of "if only..." cross my mind. I think I know one reason why... if I give my house away and become homeless I haven't really provided a service and definitely won't feel happy. If I give any gift unwillingly and with hard feelings, I'm told it's better to have kept the gift.
If only I had a nickel for every nickel I gave....
How Can I Serve and Win (be happy)?
First it's not about equal or fair (see above). I don't want an equal gift in return for what I give, but instead I want to feel happy. It's about giving good gifts. It's about sharing with the intent to leave someone better than before we met. To Improve. Notice I didn't say change. I am coming to strongly believe that the word "change" is the elevator that goes down a lot faster than up. Let's Improve instead.
What's the point of any of our life's experiences if we don't use them to help inspire, strengthen, lift someone else? Therefore, I believe our life's experiences are not for us, but for us to be able to give better gifts and live a better quality and happier life. To relate, to empathize, understand, actually feel more than the few standard emotions most of us have come to rely on. How cool is the ability to expand my vocabulary of feelings into an encyclopedia of heightened senses and experiences...... ok so let's start with one or two like being more kind, attentive, patient, peaceful.
Maybe like Ben Franklin said in his autobiography (not quoting), I wrote my virtues to define perfection. I never reached my goal of living the 13 virtues perfectly, in fact I was far from it. But, I am better for having sought each day to be the best I know how to be.
It seems that today is my only day to give. "I may not pass this way again, so if there is any service that I can render let me do it now, as we may never meet again."
I can't love those I don't serve. The more selfish I am, the less I feel and the more I turn people into objects and projects. It would seem that I am going to have to continue to practice, fail (lose a few nickels and sweat equity sometimes) to ultimately learn how to give, how to serve and be happy while doing it.
Life's Not Meant to Be Too Complicated...
"Pure Joy"
Service Is Only Service If We Both Win
I have to come to believe that life is just not fair. I know, great discovery right? I don't mean that we don't all have an equal chance to live happily. Viktor Frankl, Helen Keller, Job all messed that up for me. Blame hasn't worked and heaven knows if I actually stopped to really pay attention to what I have instead of what I haven't, my heart would probably burst with gratitude.
Sharing time, talents, energy, resources, thoughts and prayers with someone else is supposed to make me happy, isn't it? (not a trick question - It is.) Yet sometimes it doesn't make me happy at all. In fact, looking back I may even feel regret while thoughts of "if only..." cross my mind. I think I know one reason why... if I give my house away and become homeless I haven't really provided a service and definitely won't feel happy. If I give any gift unwillingly and with hard feelings, I'm told it's better to have kept the gift.
If only I had a nickel for every nickel I gave....
How Can I Serve and Win (be happy)?
First it's not about equal or fair (see above). I don't want an equal gift in return for what I give, but instead I want to feel happy. It's about giving good gifts. It's about sharing with the intent to leave someone better than before we met. To Improve. Notice I didn't say change. I am coming to strongly believe that the word "change" is the elevator that goes down a lot faster than up. Let's Improve instead.
What's the point of any of our life's experiences if we don't use them to help inspire, strengthen, lift someone else? Therefore, I believe our life's experiences are not for us, but for us to be able to give better gifts and live a better quality and happier life. To relate, to empathize, understand, actually feel more than the few standard emotions most of us have come to rely on. How cool is the ability to expand my vocabulary of feelings into an encyclopedia of heightened senses and experiences...... ok so let's start with one or two like being more kind, attentive, patient, peaceful.
Maybe like Ben Franklin said in his autobiography (not quoting), I wrote my virtues to define perfection. I never reached my goal of living the 13 virtues perfectly, in fact I was far from it. But, I am better for having sought each day to be the best I know how to be.
It seems that today is my only day to give. "I may not pass this way again, so if there is any service that I can render let me do it now, as we may never meet again."
I can't love those I don't serve. The more selfish I am, the less I feel and the more I turn people into objects and projects. It would seem that I am going to have to continue to practice, fail (lose a few nickels and sweat equity sometimes) to ultimately learn how to give, how to serve and be happy while doing it.
Bryan Packham
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